Sleep Well, Take Risks, Squish the Peas shows us how toddlers bring out the best in humanity and how we can, too. It’s a whole new way of looking at and learning from toddlers.
- Lose weight naturally
- Sleep better
- Build stronger friendships
- Improve teamwork
- Be more productive
- Have more fun, and
- Live a more fulfilling life
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Praise for Sleep Well, Take Risks, Squish the Peas
Sample Toddler Teachings
Self Talk
This is Aubrin Sage, a four year-old from Yakima Washington who narrates her journey snowboarding down a “big ol’ hill.” Self-talk, something toddlers do all of the time, has been shown in adults to help with emotional regulation, and problem solving.
There is nobody more helpful than a toddler. In this video, 18-month-old Thomas helps his family to carry water jugs the size of him, without being asked. Toddler lessons from the way they function in teams include respectful communication, reengaging team members who may be struggling, and ensuring everyone on a team has their voice heard.
A standard toddler greeting as Maxwell and Finnegan run toward each other for a big hug. The kindness toddlers show to everyone around them is unmatched. They act kindly not only to family and friends, but also toward selfish and antisocial people. Nothing can deter them. This is in important lesson as kindness and giving been shown in multiple studies to increase our own happiness as adults.